Get endpoints
Best Bid and Offer
Returns the best level bids and asks for the requested pair of tokens' depthbook
Returns order book with specified amount of levels for requested trading pair. If levels set as -1 all levels would be returned
User info
Returns user information regarding nonce, balances and fee levels
Listen key
Returns listen_key for an authorised user and used as prolongation of current listen key.
Gas oracle
Returns the current minimum amount of gas price that is necessary to be specified in order to perform any gas-involved trading activity.
User can periodically query this amount and use it to build a GasFee entity skewed on some small multiplier.
Get sign data
Retrieves data that the client needs to sign via the private key of the signer to show that they are the real owner of the account.
For router users who trade with external funds exchange will validate signature via account abstraction so 'user' query param can be of same value as account.
Conversion rate
If user want to use paymasters (pay for gas not in strk) he needs to specify conversion rate. Exchange provides convenient method to query it. Client also can track it by taking mid bid/ask.
Steps specification
Each user action that require onchain fingerprint consume some amount of gas steps. We provide expected upper bound for this trades (they are constant within chain(mainnet/sepolia)). In fact it might be less since more actions in rollup, less gas consumption. Mainly we have the following actions:
offchain withdrawal
offchain increase nonce
ecosystem trade
router trade
Layerakira router specification
If user trade over layerakira frontend/ leverage first strategy of integration and use it as router he would need to specify router details
Ticker specification
Each trading pair have specific rules about trading amount, ticks and etc. This endpoint allows to query those rules. Also rather constant and changes will be announcement beforehand
Get order
Returns information about requested order
Get orders
Return all user's current orders, orders are sorted w.r.t. to created time of order field
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