Successful request
Unauthorized - Authentication failed
Not Found - Resource not found
Unprocessable Entity - Request well-formed but unable to process due to semantic errors
Too Many Requests - Client has sent too many requests in a given amount of time
Internal Server Error
Exchange Internal Error Codes
This documentation provides a list of internal error codes that might be returned by the exchange during a POST request.
Error Code Descriptions
An order with the same parameters is already in progress.ACTION_ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS
A similar action is currently being processed.NO_ORDERS_WITH_THIS_ID
There are no orders corresponding to the provided ID.NOT_THIS_CLIENT_ORDER
The order does not belong to the client making the request.WITHDRAWING
A withdrawal action is currently in progress.NOT_ENOUGH_BALANCE
The user's balance is insufficient for the requested operation.FAILED_SIGN_CHECK
Signature verification failed.UNSUPPORTED_TRADED_PAIR
The trading pair is not supported.WRONG_FLAGS_FOR_LIMIT_ORDER
Incorrect flags were used for a limit order.WRONG_FLAGS_FOR_MARKET_ORDER
Incorrect flags were used for a market order.WRONG_FEE_TOKEN
The fee token provided is incorrect.WRONG_PBIPS
The gas per action value is incorrect.WRONG_MAX_GAS_PRICE
The maximum gas price is incorrect.WRONG_CONVERSION_RATE
The conversion rate provided is incorrect.NOT_FOUND
The requested resource was not found.WRONG_INPUT
The input provided is incorrect.STALE_ORDER
The order is stale.WRONG_TIMESTAMP
The timestamp provided is incorrect.ECOSYSTEM_ORDER_ISSUE
There is an issue with the Ecosystem Order.WRONG_ROUTER
The specified router is incorrect.NO_ROUTER
No router is specified.WRONG_NONCE
The nonce provided is incorrect.WRONG_FEE_RECIPIENT
The fee recipient address is incorrect.
Last updated