Matching engine status

The OrderMatcherResult represents various outcomes that can occur during the order matching process. Below are the possible statuses along with their descriptions:

  • SLIPPAGE: This status indicates that the order has hit its protection price.

  • OK: The order was successfully processed without any issues.

  • EXPIRED: The order has expired due STP.

  • HIT_SWAPS_LIMIT: The order has reached the maximum limit of swaps allowed.

  • MIN_RECEIVE_FAILED: The minimum receive amount requirement has failed. This occurs when the amount received from a trade is less than the minimum acceptable amount specified by the user for his router taker order.

  • NOT_ENOUGH_LIQUIDITY: There is not enough liquidity available to fulfil the order. This can happen if there are insufficient buy or sell orders in the market to match with the user's order.

  • GAS_COST: The order has failed due to high gas costs. Gas costs refer to the fees required to execute transactions on the blockchain. This error would indicated that outcome of trade cannot cover cost of trade deployment on chain (only applicable if receive token of trade is gas token)

  • FAILED_VALIDATION: The order has failed validation checks. This can occur if the order does not meet certain criteria.

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