| Binds the trading account to the public key so the public key becomes the signer of the trading account This can only be invoked for a trading account Sends the transaction on chain The public key and trading account taken is from cli_config.toml
| Issues a JWT token that is needed to interact with the Exchange
| Queries and saves usage the gas price that is needed for taker orders, off-chain withdrawals and increase nonce commands
| Queries and saves user info that includes: trading_account balance on the Exchange for each trading token
approve_exchange <token_name> <amount>
| Grants Exchange the permission to move user funds up to a specified amount Sends the transaction on chain Example: approve_exchange ETH 1.2
deposit <token_name> <amount>
| Deposits a specified amount of tokens to the Exchange Sends the transaction on chain Before executing this command, the user should have approval for this amount. Otherwise, this transaction simulation will fail
| Queries information about the order from the Exchange Users can only get information about their orders i.e orders that were signed by the signer address of the obtained the JWT token Example: get_order 4385348239423
get_orders <mode either 1 full or 2 reduced> <offset> <limit, max 20>
| Queries all orders of trading account from cli_config.toml Example: get_orders 1 0 20
get_bbo <base_token/quote_token> <is_ecosystem_book flag>
| Queries the best bid and best offer of a particular trading pair from the Exchange Flags controls whether it be from the Ecosystem Book or the Router Book Example: get_bbo <ETH/USDC> 1
| Cancels all trading account orders on the Exchange
cancel_order <order_hash>
| Cancels an order associated with order_hash on the Exchange Only existing orders and orders that were signed by the signer address can be cancelled Example: cancel_order 4385348239423
withdraw <token> <amount>
| Initiates an off-chain withdrawal through exchange Before executing this command user should have queried the gas via the query_gas command The user should have a specified amount of tokens on the Exchange to be able to successfully execute the command and should have enough to cover the gas Example: withdraw ETH 0.1
request_withdraw_on_chain <token> <amount>
| Initiates an on-chain withdrawal via the smart contract Users can only have one pending on-chain withdrawal per token Sends the transaction on chain The user should have a specified amount of tokens in the smart contract at the time of this call to be able to successfully execute the command and should also have enough to cover the gas Withdrawal hash can be used later by the user to finish the on-chain withdrawal via the command apply_onchain_withdraw Once the User has enough tokens to execute the withdrawal, the required delay will be bypassed and the Exchange will finalize users’ withdraw request Example: request_withdraw_on_chain USDC 150.5
apply_onchain_withdraw <token> <withdrawal_hash>
| Finalizes the on-chain withdrawal Sends the transaction on chain Note that the user should allow enough blocks and seconds passed after request_withdraw_on_chain to successfully execute the command. Otherwise, the FEW_TIME_PASSED error will be raised in the smart-contract
place_order <base/quote> <price> <quantity> <BUY/SELL> <MARKET/LIMIT> <is_post_only> <is_full_fill_only> <is_best_level_only> <to_ecosystem_book:ECOSYSTEM/ROUTER> <stp_mode>
| Places an order on the Exchange Example: place_order ETH/USDC 2765.4 0.32 BUY LIMIT 1 0 0 ECOSYSTEM 0
start_ws <signer pub address>
| Starts WebSocket client with listen key issued to provided signer key (support for signer key from config)
subscribe_book <stream: trade/bbo/snap> <base> <quote> <is_ecosystem_book>
| User should start the WebSocket client first Example: subscribe_book trade ETH USDC 1
subscribe_fills <trading_account>
| User should start the WebSocket client first Example: subscribe_fills 0x...x User can only subscribe for execution reports for accounts where the signer who started the WebSocket is the signer
| Queries chain info namely nonce, balances of tokens, approvals, signer, and balances inside the smart contract for the trading account
| Displays the latest queried chain info that was queried through refresh_chain_info
increase_nonce <new_nonce>
| Increase nonce onchain, invalidating all orders with different nonce